Images can have a major influence on our process of forming (political) opinions and ultimately have an impact on our behaviour as well – they shape our understanding of the world. Looking at images critically and reading them in the specific context in which they appear is therefore an essential skill. What images can we trust? This is not always easy, because content is often (jointly) produced and shared by private users on social media and websites. This makes it difficult to reconstruct the origin of a particular piece of information or the intentions of its authors. Another factor here is that attention-grabbing images and sensational titles entice people to click and share quickly. In the workshop we will discuss the role of images in the context of disinformation: How are images manipulated? What tools do we have available to us if we want to check the veracity of images and news? Who creates fake news and why? We will use a number of different exercises to explore these questions and other related issues. We will also get to know concepts like deepfake and cheap fake and analyse the responsibility that individuals have when they share content on social media.

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